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"MARTA's Plan for Transit Oriented Development in Oakland , Vineyards of Flat Shoals 200 Vineyard Walk Atlanta GA , MARTA to Atlantic Station - MARTA Guide, Midtown MARTA Station - MARTA Guide, Civic Center MARTA Station - MARTA Guide, MARTA to Ansley Park - MARTA Guide, MARTA to the Hotel Row Historic District - MARTA Guide, MARTA to Kroger - MARTA Guide, Lenox MARTA Station - MARTA Guide, MARTA to Terminus - MARTA Guide, Mother accused of killing children by placing them in oven , MARTA to Lakewood Amphitheatre - MARTA Guide, Doraville MARTA Station - MARTA Guide, Doraville MARTA Station - MARTA Guide, Peachtree Center MARTA Station - MARTA Guide, AIRPORT TAXI PITTSBURGH OR TEXT 412 424 , AIRPORT TAXI PITTSBURGH OR TEXT 412 424 "